City Sidewalk job

I'm preparing to talk to the city manager next week concerning the need to clean the dirty/black sidewalks in the downtown area of the small town I live in. This little town has a nack for getting grants to pay for improvements like this. Does anyone have any suggestions that might help insure I get a good response in this matter. The sidewalks are horrible and many of the downtown shops are closed. It would be a great improvement.

Not sure on pricing in your neck of the woods, but be aware that city sidewalks generally have LOTS of gum, and its usually old gum. I've did 17 blocks in Minneapolis last year, and it pays well. The city doesn't hire it out, but the building owners want it done. I'll usually get between .18 - .44 a sq ft.depending on gum levels. Also, beware the environmental police. You must recover and have somewhere to put the dirty water.

I would point out the fact that they have vacant storefronts, and need them filled to keep the downtown area alive. Its a cheap investment to their infrastructure. Also, give a demonstration if possible. Pick the dirtiest sidewalk you can find.
I want that.

I do a lot of city stuff and every city is different in how you get the work. If you are dealing directly with the city manager, it must be a really small city. As for a good response, just be yourself, and talk to the manager like he has a brain. Explain to him what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, and give him a WRITTEN proposal explaining exactly waht you are going to do, then do it. The city guys are really used to being disappointed and getting screwed. Sometimes it makes them a pain to deal with. Once you establish the relationship and prove that you are going to be there to do the work, you will be gold.