What is this?

Steven Button


seeking some more advice or thoughts... anyone know what this could be?

<a href="http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs127&d=08213&f=img_0630768.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://xs127.xs.to/xs127/08213/img_0630768.jpg.xs.jpg" title="Free image hosting powered by xs.to"></a>

I know without seeing it in person it may be difficult to tell what it is... it looks like rust but I can't see where it may have come from... nothing from overhead canopy, unless it was from the structure that was there before (can see pins in ground from where it has been cut out).

anyone recommend any products to use on this... PM is interested, but I would like to do test spot.

what do you think of - SafeRestore from Eacochem, F8 or F18 from Bob (which one is it folks use on concrete?), oxalic?

thanks again for any insight or help!!:)
looks like there's several metal bars through the concrete, so I would gather something metal had rusted and created the stains.
Steven, The bolted down area looks like they may have had a telephone booth there at one time. Is that a grocery store or shopping area? I see a plug outlet on the wall. 220 I believe. They may be charging up their electric cart movers there and their batteries are overflowing onto the surface. That or a bunch of old people are parking their golf carts there while they shop. If this is the case and you need to get rid of it quickly try using Iron out from HD or lowes. That gets out the battery rust stains very easily. Hope this helps!