Background color


Why not try a reg. orange for the background color or something to wake me up,this one makes me sleepy.

color controls not working in this thread,me tried.
workin on that very thing today,,, we might change colors a couple times.... when my logo for what the bb is called is complete then i will do some color changing to match it. sorry the colors dont work everywhere,, thye will soon,

thanks for the impute,, its appreciated

even highpockets,old man,Dude,littleboy................but with the two I'm getting missed up as to who I am on the boards..........but ya'll know I'm not a short round baldheaded man now,it'll be ok to change it to Bigboy.
now come on Bigboy, all we ever see is the back of your head, with a hat on yet.

U could be bald as an bald eagle for all we know. True your not short, not plump and not really skinny but who cares, I don't pick my friends for their looks.

Never have, never will.

Now my women, that is another story:)