Car Lot Washing and Pricing. HELPPP!!!!

I keep reading online (delco pricing as well) that pressure washing cars should only be around $1. That sounds outrageous if your only washing 20 - 30 vehicles. What do you guys think would be a fair price for that small amount of vehicles. I'm thinking about $5, but i wanted to get some input because i have never had the opportunity to deal with car lots as of yet. I'm also going to be detailing their vehicles, but i'm not going to jump the gun pricing these vehicles. I'm going to determine the level of detail they want too. If anybody has any experience please send me some input because I would love to move into this industry.
I have over 20 car dealers that I do work for. I used to also have 2 detail shops so I think I might be able to help. Here in my area I get $1.25 per car for pressure washing with di water for 20 or more cars on a lot. Under 20 I get $1.45-$2.00 per car. No hand drying. The dealers here won't pay more than that. But even at those prices you can make money. One worker and I can do 100 cars per hour.
From what I understand the quantity of cars doesnt really play a big factor in price. The dealer is probably not going to think its worth $5 a car just because he only has a few cars. You probably wouldnt want to pay 5X for a lawn service just because you only have one lawn.
Just my thaughts...
I thaught about doing this myself but when someone explained it to me this way I said no thanks.
But on the other hand you may able to get $5 per car. Just depends on you in your particular situation.
one thing to consider also is that if it's raining you don't work. So it's not good to only have dealership work. Unless you don't like to work in the winter. LOL. Feel free to call if you have any questions. 541-778-4254
another thing this type of work for some reason it very tight we use to do one at 1.25 and out under bid for .85 a car lol got to love it at was for a 100 cars
They cant even sell cars, let alone waste money to clean them. Here by us they have the staff doing it in house. Heck they have nothing else to do, the dealerships are like ghost towns..
They cant even sell cars, let alone waste money to clean them. Here by us they have the staff doing it in house. Heck they have nothing else to do, the dealerships are like ghost towns..
Very true...Another big one in Troy, Al shut its doors recently..:confused:
It really depends on the area, and the dealership. Most dealerships won't pay over $2.00 a car. I washed a small dealership last week that had 88 cars @ $4.50 a car. All the cars were rinsed and towel dryed. Some had to be gone over twice. I will tell you, I was not the cheapest bid. I'm suppose to be doing them every 1-2 weeks. If this works out, I'm sure I'll be giving them a lower price. They did tell me, that they could set me up with several other dealerships in the area. We will see.
They did tell me, that they could set me up with several other dealerships in the area. We will see.

Do not give them a lower price until you get the additional work. Also then again, if he is willing to pay the $ 4.50, why lower it?
They did tell me, that they could set me up with several other dealerships in the area. We will see.

Do not give them a lower price until you get the additional work. Also then again, if he is willing to pay the $ 4.50, why lower it?
I deffinately won't lower the price till I can get a contract with several dealerships in the area. Only reason I considered lowering the price at all was because if I have 2-3 dealerships, I can make a day out of it. I can't afford to drop my price for just 1 dealership, I'm not making enough to talk about off it, once you consider travel time, fuel, tolls, and labor. If the owner of the dealership does the leg work for me, contacting the other dealers, to get me in the door, then it will be worth it. Saves them a little money, and makes me more. Otherwise I'll have to go after the other dealers myself.
don't waste your time in Florida with lot washing. There is too much competition in your area and your going to be competing with anywhere from .65c per car to .90 on a weekly basis. Whats not mentioned is when it is sunny and there is no rain the work is really easy, when it rains then you have to hand wash each car to remove the black lines that come off the weather stipping, and remove the film left on the car. Another problem you will fight is the vehicles near sprinkler systems. Each of these cars will have water spots on them no matter what you do and your competition will use that against you untill you inform the dealers what the problem is.

I have millions of reasons why not to do lot washing and very few on why to do it.
Chris at 4.50 who might end up getting under bid when other companies start seeing you do it
There is always gonna be someone that will do it cheaper. Yes, many customers just shop for the lowest price, but you know as well as I do, its not always comparing apples to apples. The sales manager told me the other bids before I gave him mine and I was higher than 2 of the 3. I tried to educate him and build a reationship, and it worked out. The cars looked good, and he was happy. I've washed them closer to home before, for $2 or less a car. I won't do it again. You really need di water or ro to price them that cheap and be able to make money.
Chris you are right , how are things go up north
The average for a dealership here is under $1.00 per car. Even a year ago when they were still selling cars. The illegals have taken over that market here in the Phoenix area.

I thought Uncle Janet ran them all out? That is why, is in charge of Homeland Security