NAtional Pressure wash org.

BINGO !!!!! but drop the O and make it UCCA - united contract cleaners assocation:smilewinkgrin:

I should have stated I'm not going to start an org with KEC, dish washer , detail guys, I'm not interested in bringing more hacks to this deal.

How about we try again.

Best Dam Sidewalk cleaners BDSC

national elite exteroir cleaning specialist

I want a small org of contract cleaners we can promote to the customers to get the job done.

Its open to all, but lets face it there has to be levels and training aspects to assure the end users are getting the best.

Providing insurance is great but not enough, anyone can buy insurance. That doesnt make them good.
Sorry to disappoint you Russ, but never been to their board. It's educational AND Funny here. I some times wonder who is worse. (or better) here or TGP

TGP is way more guys are now UAMCC. TGP is no more? Right, I thougt you guys merged.

You better go sign up Roger is getting RFP for GA, millions in KEC work
Concrete, Cleaning, Contrators

National Association of Non Whiners
I wouldnt mind paying dues for an organization that thrives to help its members without any bias.
National Association & Advancement of Corrupt Powerwasher's

U pay us we clean!!
U dont pay us we clean anyway,And you pay us!!
Make it short. How about the "NPA" National Pressurewashers Association