EIFS soft washing


New member
Does anyone have any tips on mix strength or customizing the mix for heavily mildewed EIFS. I'm assuming its like stucco and just needs a mix in between roof strength and house wash strength with extra dwell time, but if anybody has really honed it in or found an additive like sodium hydroxide speeds up the cleaning I'm all ears.
I just use Mister Clean Eraser On A stick
Depending on how dirty it is we do like Jeff said.. If it's really bad then we just use our dedicated pump. EIFS cleans up really well, like Ted said, easier than stucco....but don't tell Ted I agreed with him.

Have never found the need to add anything.
If the EIFS has really heavy mildew, algae we would put more soap (joy, dawn, fresh whatever) to make it stick and dwell longer. We don't add more SH because you could stand to burn landscaping. Oh we also always use an X-Jet when soaping EIFS. Good luck.
Depending on how dirty it is we do like Jeff said.. If it's really bad then we just use our dedicated pump. EIFS cleans up really well, like Ted said, easier than stucco....but don't tell Ted I agreed with him.

Have never found the need to add anything.

Oh that Doug! I say up, he says down. I say in, he says out...
Thanks guys. I was planning on using a dedicated pump but now I'm thinking I might try downstreaming. X-jetting is not an option on most of the project.
Yep... As mentioned above, for really dirty surfaces... I have learned that adding more surfactant proves to help with longer dwell times! If you're able to break the house down strategically from soaping to rinsing, you'll be able to be VERY effective and hopefully VERY profitable in your jobs.