Bid help or suggestion

Rarely do I quote by eyeballing. I'm terrible at it. I can't tell if it's 30 ft or 100 ft. So I one of those measuring wheels that you walk behind. Walk the length, walk the width, multiply length×width×rate, and I'm done. The customer seeing me doing this knows that i am making an effort to give them an honest price, and not just making up the most i think I can get out of them.

And I usually quote to the penny.

Dave- wheel is good

Laser is better and quicker

About $100 bucks though
I like standard pricing. I also make allowances, but the standard pricing lets me know how much motivation I have to get the job done. The extra are just a perk.
Scott, what I failed to mention was I use PITA factors in my pricing as well haha.

But yes, standard pricing plus pita factors is the way I do it.