Man with ambition

where??? Im this close to buying the dewalt 4gpm for 1000 but 5.5 for 1350 is probably a better choice

THanks for all the info guys, doesn't appear the roof system is all that expensive so no reason not to do it right.
Kec supplies. The sale might be over now though.

Still there at $1215. The shipping was $125 when I got mine. Create an account there and the prices drop pretty good. They also have an 8 gpm 1750 psi machine for slightly over 2k, a perfect house wash machine. Oh and you might ask Russ what he can do for you. He is one of the best suppliers and he can get anything anyone else can, and he will always answer any question you have.
Saw this house yesterday, really looks like a great portfolio project... Im going to introduce myself next week and see if they want her cleaned up

so ive made some progress :)
Got my van mostly sorted out, decals come tomorrow. Picked up a used dewalt 4gp machine today, ive got little 2.7gpm, and a 3gpm hot machine as well. Picked up 2 75ft garden hoses, 100ft of pressure hose along with a new lance setup. Ordered random chemicals to play with, got a used 55g drum ill use as a buffer for a while, or maybe turn it into a chemical drum for roof jobs down the road... Anyways, im ready to start hitting the pavement!
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