Problem with new hot box after two hours of use.

Why would you have no blower blowing thats odd?

Hal, see my reply to Russ above this post. I found out that the blower is working so hopefully I'm in luck and just need to prime the pump. I'll find out tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for your help!
The motor could be shot if left to the elements as well. The motor turns the fan + fuel pump, not motor no fuel. Also don't know what 120v source is, but if it can't keep up with startup of the burner that will pop out the button as well. Largo only makes the exterior and the coil, everything else is equipment you get on any burner.

I have had a largo 120v for 4 years now, still running the original ignitior/blower/pump, third flow switch, 4th thermostat. Once this thermostat goes though I replace it with the one I mentioned above. Easily 5000 hours on this unit

Ben, thanks for the valuable input. Very helpful info and much appreciated.
Hey, live and learn. There was fuel in it so I didn't think twice about it. It was only after checking the thermostat and ignitor that I thought I would put in a little more fuel just to see by chance. Sometimes it's the stupidest things that kick your ass.

lol....been there done that, and am so glad to see it happened to someone else...LOLOLOL
I've got the Largo Hotbox up and running with hot water this morning. Thanks to all of you guys for your help.