Ebc special @ powerwashstore.com


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Enviro Bio Cleaner - 55 Gallon $640 SHIPPED 5 Gallon $140 SHIPPED

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<script src="http://ct1.addthis.com/static/r07/core165.js" type="text/javascript"></script>EnviroBioCleaner(EBC)
Liquid Multi-purpose Cleaner
· Water Based - Non Toxic
· Biodegradable - Non Flammable
· No Phosphates - No Flash Point
· No Chlorinated Solvents
When Nothing Else Cuts It – Enviro Bio Cleaner (EBC) works hard so you don't have to. This
heavy-duty cleaner is the answer to heavy duty grease and general multi-purpose
cleaning. EBC leaves drive through, gas station pads, oiled/greased concrete,
hood and filter cleaning, house washes, machinery, garage floors and much much
more clean and grease free. The variety
of uses for EBC is virtually unlimited. Rated
and Tested high for
effectiveness, safety and environmental impact.

Made With You And the Environment
In Mind
- Biodegradable, non-flammable
formula hits hard and fast with less impact on the user and environment.
Finally a water based product that really works! It is a multi-purpose liquid concentrate that literally breaks
down the molecular bonds which holds oils together
. This effective
and versatile cleaner is utilized as an industrial strength degreaser as well
as an effective, multi-use all purpose cleaner. Whether you are removing old
accumulated food grease in Kitchen Hoods, oil and grease buildup on concrete or
performing a house wash to general cleaning around your house ---

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