winter season


New member
Hey all, my spring summer and fall season is coming to a halt real fast (28 deg right now)so I was considering running a winter add by listing some of this type of work. Agricultural buildings,schools, bleachers, fairgrounds, condos/appt complex. My insurance is paid through next spring and my phone is still ringing but nothing like it was in the summer. I don't want to be liable for someone falling on the ice I created that's why some of the stuff listed should not have people anywhere around and the stuff that does I could start scheduling for next spring. Any thoughts or ideas I would love to here them.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. It was 29 degrees here in central MD this morning. As long as you're not sending water across sidewalks and parking lots, you shouldn't have to worry too much with the ice. I too have insurance paid through the spring but will be doing everything possible to cut down on the ice threat.

If you can get bleacher work, you shouldn't have to worry once all the outdoor activities are finished for the season.

Remember, you can still do things like fences and retaining walls as long as you keep the water away from impervious surfaces or get those areas finished at least 1 or so hours before your local temps would fall below freezing so the water has time to dry off enough.
