Watch Beth strip in Las Vegas!

:rolleyes: Oh...I get it now. You revived an old thread. I'm a bbs newbie.

Is there any pw conventions or round tables coming up?

July 28-29 Waterford, MI Round Table/Deck Strip-Seal Demo and Low-Pressure Downstream house wash demo.
$107 to attend includes catered lunch and chartered bus to and from demo sites. Speakers on subjects such as internet Marketing and sales. Free stuff from some vendors also.

This is a link to register. The fee is $107 not $75.
Make sure you sign up for the GrassRoots Events newsletter - I'm trying to get a regular newsletter going out :) Need some more events guys!

Ron, I had totally forgotten this thread. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Ron, I had totally forgotten this thread. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Your vary Welcome, it was a Great thread at the time. Got lots of views....

Sorta like the sirocco sucks!!! Well I guess along that same line, maybe not thinking the same thing.