Reverse grip Dips


Jump ojn the dip handles with your fingers pointed in towards each other. Your elbows will support you. Pull your knees up close to your chest, and roll you back down till you have your chin down in your chest.

You will be in a little ball with your center over your chest. Now preform a dip!
I can get 6-7 of them. Very accomplished BB showed me this sat am when I was doing chest. My routine ends with these dips now superset with light cable crossovers. Best stretch/burn I have ever had. Makes a normal dip seem sooooooooooooo easy. Basically an inverted bench press that nails outer lower chest! I have never seen anyone do them like this before. The gent said 8 outta 10 people wont be able to do 6 reps. I am trying to work my way up to three sets of ten.

have fun!