The Gossip Source

Isn't that what porn surfers use to remain anonymous?
Since 02-13-07 my Ip address has been blocked on sites . I have back door use right now and other Ip address:) . After searching the net there are other good reasons to block your Ip address. Im still waiting to see if a discriminatory action can be taken against that site,but we still may want too block all of our computers just because.
Since 02-13-07 my Ip address has been blocked on sites . I have back door use right now and other Ip address:) . After searching the net there are other good reasons to block your Ip address. Im still waiting to see if a discriminatory action can be taken against that site,but we still may want too block all of our computers just because.
There are many anoyonomous surfing options, but the trick is not to get blocked in the first place ?
Why were you blocked, were you a 'bad boy" ?
Let me first say that I have no doggie in this or any fight anywhere anymore - just making an observation. When you buy a url, it belongs to you, right? Sort of like your "virtual home on the net". As a plain old brick house homeowner, I know I have the right to refuse entry or access to anyone that I don't want here. Wouldn't the same thing apply if I have a home on the web?

On the next note, discrimination can be a scary word - it brings up thoughts like racial, religious or other issues that are well defined. Non-compliance of rules ( of which I have been personally whacked for elsewhere so I know about that banning type ) wouldn't be a discriminitory thing, should that be the case.

The floating IP thing has me intrigued, that's for certain. Maybe that's why I get hits on my site from Korea and Russia and other weird places :) And here I thought I was getting international recognition - LOL :)

Never used one but I know my wireless connection gives me different ip all the time. One day Im in Burbank, and the next day Im in Boston. Weird.

Counsel has not responded back yet.

However if I may,My argument would be much broader. The said site offers excess to the public for free,and those that post do so to help the public at large. Im part of that public, Im willing to say that they have no justifiable reason to block our access,but we also want to make claim to the servers that contain that public info so we can do as those that posted wanted,provide the info to the public at large for free and without bias.

Let me say I have never been a member on this site I read from a distance.
Im the public no rules on that site unless you are a member.
To single out one person out of a public of 3mil is discriminatory without cause.

In the normal course of business we would have a letter drafted and sent to have them show cause, but they are not worthy.

This is going to be fun.
Gotcha. It does make sense. Seems like some gray area going on though.
Sort of like your "virtual home on the net". If you choose to design a site for "public use" then it's for public use.

Celeste, we don't have to when them all.:)