Recent content by Dawn Evans

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    How You Can Have the Safest, Cleanest and Healthiest Establishment

    Oil, grease, dirt, gum, chemicals, waste, mold, algae...these are just a few of the contaminants that are drug into your establishment from foot traffic. All of that dirt can not only be unsightly, but could Continue...
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    Super Secret Window Cleaning Tip!

    Sometimes, you don't need your windows professionally cleaned just yet, but you have puppy nose art Continue...
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    Super Secret Window Cleaning Tip!

    Sometimes, you don't need your windows professionally cleaned just yet, but you have puppy nose art Continue...
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    Winter Window Tip: Remove Those Screens

    Winter Window Tip: REMOVE THOSE SCREENS! Why? They Continued...
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    Winter Window Cleaning

    Did you know... We can and do clean windows all year long! Most people think Continue...