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  • Joe there is no support of your class from distributors outside this event. We have sponsors that have paid for this. If your sponsors want a spot who ever it is we can send them a bill. No endorsements outside of you will be allowed. Privately if you have someone you want to recommend outside this arena please be discrete.

    This is and NCE event, your training not selling items. If you thought it was different I'm sorry. We do not have that kind of deal. If you want to pay a vendor fee like some of the other Instructors then you could carry a line.

    Call me if your not understanding this.
    Saturday May 28
    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee
    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! http://www.propowerwash.com/meetings/ky.html

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:
    9406 Old Bardstown Road
    Louisville, KY 40291
    check in
    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers
    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ
    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion
    Sunday May 29
    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:
    Wood cleaning & brightening
    Fleet washing
    Siding & gutter cleaning
    Wet sandblasting
    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning
    Best rig contest judging
    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up
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