Addressing all leaders in the industry!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Addressing all leaders in the industry!!!
Over the years I have watch people complain ridicule and bash others for their efforts.

On the same token turn and say that we will never come together collectively.

Today is the opportunity, not to create another organization nationwide that will not work at the present time but to establish a council of concerned people with the welfare of their businesses in place.

Today, I’m offering like I have done in the past. I will support the counsel as a think tank to better the industry and request from the sources that should be addressed about future support of our industry.
The council will not control anything others than by the support of the majority.

It’s long over do and we should be organizing. The council can give ideas opinions and have a voice to the main stream pressure washing community.

Its can work, if you think you have the ability to help your profession in the future then here it is.

We can start by organizing small meetings around the country so all areas are included in the topics discussed.
Tele conferences will be the start and meetings can fall in place once people are organized and goals and plans are obtained.

If you’re always professional and think you might like to help your business not someone else’s grow and prosper in the future please call me or e-mail me.

So you understand this group will be in support of all groups and will help and think about the directions of all organization and things related to this industry. (No doors will be closed by people’s personal problems)