The 2022 Cleaning Industry Summit | September 15th - 20th | 2022 is back in beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico after a short 2-year recess at the world renowned 5-Star Resort RIU Palace. The Cleaning Industry Summit has evolved since it's first "conference" in 2017. To be honest the summit wasn't your typical conference back then nor is that the case TODAY. The spirit and purpose behind the Cleaning Industry Summit is 100% about YOU - the entrepreneur - the business owner!
Read more here on how the 5-philosphies for this year's theme connects together as your plan your trip to the 2022 Cleaning Industry Summit.
Carlos Talk About the Summit
Patrick Clark Join Industry CLeaning Summit

The 2022 Cleaning Industry Summit theme will focus on 5-philosphies. The term #workvacation takes on a whole new meaning when you, your associates and your family attend the 2022 Cleaning Industry Summit. Located in one of the most desired vacation spots in the world, we have carefully carved out 5 days for you to recharge both professionally and personally:- Hear from dynamic speakers, network with colleagues and immerse yourself in business building sessions - 2-full days.
- Family time, reflection, activities and relaxation. - The entire 5 days
Read more here on how the 5-philosphies for this year's theme connects together as your plan your trip to the 2022 Cleaning Industry Summit.
Carlos Talk About the Summit
Patrick Clark Join Industry CLeaning Summit