Cool java menus for sale!

Beth & Rod

SR Wood Geek / Moderator
Hey all,
Check it out! has cool custome java menus for sale. Go to the marketing page and scroll down to take a look at the menus. The background can be changed to your taste. Choose from water, wood, brick, aggregate, and more! The buttons will change color and can also be customized. There are no scripts behind the samples online, but just look at The Grime Scene's new java menu if you need an idea of what can be done. Any color and a variety of textures are yours to choose from.


p.s. sorry gang, the pop-ups are still there...for just a tad longer...;)
Yikes! Thanks Alan!!!

C'Mon gang....custom built java menus...the buttons change color and move etc....these are just a FEW examples of things I can do....

Take a look and think it over.
Gotta scoot. Time to get read to seal some deck and a house. Later!

I dont mean to beat a dead horse, but you better ditch the popups ASAP..........they are some of the most persistant pop ups I've seen. Persistant enough to make me close the site.