OK, basicly what I'm seeing is just an old brick building with mold issues. First thing I would try would be a a strong house wash mix with a good amount of soap. Keep the SH in your tank pretty much straight ( very little to no water ). Down stream all the brick and trim work. You may have to do 2-3 applications and let it dwell on there. Don't rush it. Let the mix do its job before you try to start rinsing. I can just about guarantee you that will work, but, if for some reason it needs more of a kick you may have to use a dedicated pump ( 12 volt or air pump ) to apply to mix at a stronger ratio. Once you see the mold dissapear just follow up with a Lt rinse. Another approach would be to apply the chems with an X Jet which will give you a higher ratio of mix application. Not really sure what your working with as far as equipment but these to me are your best options and how I would approach it. Also, using a shooter tip ( 0030-0040 etc...) will keep you off a ladder and or lift. You can shoot that whole building from the ground with no problem. Hope this helps.