Mildew on fence

Used a chemical to clean fence and it only cleaned the black stains. Did not touch the green mildew. I then went on and sprayed chlorine with water mixed and didn't touch it either. What would be a suggestion?

Sometimes that green is not mildew.

Doug Rucker
Clean and Green Solutions
Pressure Washing Roof Cleaning School
Call or Text 281.883.8470
As Doug said it might not be mold.Sometimes it's part of the pressure treating process I see it some buts it's just a little bit on a piece of board not all over the place.
I think green is either mold, algae or part of the pressure treating process. The mold should come right off . Algae is a different story and can be deep in the wood. Best you can do is take off surface algae and douse it with bleach. You could up the pressure a little and see if the layer of algae isn't that deep and blast it off. But you are asking for trouble with high pressure marks and fuzzies. And the green pressure treatment isn't coming off.
Based on the info given here without pics........
Algae is green !
Mold , mildew is black !
Pressure treatment can and will "lock" in the ripening of the wood as well.
Seen it a million times.
So as previously stated, it may not be the algae you are trying to attack.
Both look similar.
Is there a clear sealer on the wood?????????
Could be that your chem selection was too weak to break through the sealer ( if that's the case ).
Also if the wood was not acclimated for a few months and sealed immediately, that result could happen as well.

Using more pressure is not the solution, proper chems are.
Strengthen your mix and do a test area to gauge the mix.
As Doug said it might not be mold.Sometimes it's part of the pressure treating process I see it some buts it's just a little bit on a piece of board not all over the place.
that's exactly what I was thinking.