Moving fuel tanks


New member
Our Largo skid came with a 3 gallon gas tank and 6 gallon diesel tank.Over the years my biggest complaint about this machine was fuel capacity because of the need to refuel in the middle of larger jobs.
Recently a great industry friend sent me 2-10 gallon tanks that will give us the ability to carry more fuel without the need to have a bunch of gas cans on board.
My intent is to mount the new tanks on the drivers side of the trailer so they can be fueled when I fuel the truck.How far away from the machine can I get before having fueling problem?I've even comsidered leaving the existing tanks and "T-ing" them in and adding inline cut off the increase our gas/diesel capacity to 13 and 16 gallons.
Is any of this feasable?
You have a fuel pump on the machine so you should have no problem pulling fuel the length of your trailer.
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<div class="fb-video" data-href=" " data-width="500" data-show-text="false"><blockquote cite=" " class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href=" ">Save Lives Stop using Gas Cans you will have a Fire</a><p>Be safe get double walled DOT approved tanks. Get rid of gas cans!</p>Posted by <a href="">Ron Musgraves</a> on Saturday, June 21, 2014</blockquote></div>