FYI, the Mi-T-M units are built in Peosta, Iowa approximately 15 miles due west of Dubuque, Iowa. As much as we would like the milder weather Canada is still quite a distance from there which arguably is America's Heartland area.
When you pay more for a pressure washer from a 'major' manufacturer you pay for the whole package; advertising, sales, warranty, research and development, salaries and benefits and dealer profit. If any manufacturer can reduce these costs it will be able to offer so called similar product at lower prices. Truth be told, the basic components are all fairly much the same. The difference is in the details, quality of all of the components used and costs of certification (certification designed to make your pressure washer more consistently built to a standard of safety).
True you can buy a 5 @ 3000 from $2,400 to $10,000. The difference really is in the dealer and the details. Like the Fram oil filter commercial says, "Pay me now or pay me later." The big guys got there and stay there by providing quality product at fair pricing for everyone through professional local pressure washer dealers. Before you go off on local versus alternative sales outlets remember that anyone can buy a book from Amazon cheaper than your spouse sells at the local store but they buy from the local store because it is a friend/neighbour/relative etcetera. Sometimes saving money is no saving at all.