PWNC Newsletter 2010!


New member
If you're a North or South Carolina contractor, I would strongly suggest joining and supporting the PWNC. This is not an Org. based thousands of miles away from the Carolinas, and it's Contractors, and our concerns!!! It's based right here in our own backyard!!!!

The PWNC, has fought publicly at both the State and local levels, for matters that can and will effect the Carolina Contractor. The PWNC deserves our support!!!! Become a Member Today!!! I'm a Member!
Thanks for your support, Guy!

The PWNC is more than just a couple of cool logos. We are a support structure like no other! Our focus is LOCAL so that everyone involved in whatever the issue or project is, is aware and familiar of what is going on because we all live it day to day. We work closely with city, county and state officials to insure that concerns are heard and addressed - we support each other (both contractors and vendors) through a variety of methods. There is power in local networking.

The PWNC supports your goal of being in business FOR yourself, not BY yourself !