What are your favorite marketing tools?

Beth & Rod

SR Wood Geek / Moderator
Hi all,
PWI is looking for ideas and opinions. What we want to do, is come up with a list of ideas that would be great ways to attract people to this site. Put on your thinking caps, and tell us, please...

What are some of the places you would look if you were looking for a resource like this? What types of marketing tools catch your eye and make you want to act upon something?

Bear in mind, that the budget for this is very low so we need creative ideas that will not cost too much. We have a team of moderators who are dedicated to marketing this BBS, and to attracting new members. We have a short list of ideas, and feel that while some of them may be very good, there are others out there we simply have not thought of.

Please share your ideas here. We're looking forward to them!

:) :) :)
Beth(second time wrighting this)(1st message gone into cyber space) Solicit the variouse Pressure Washer Manufactuers!!Landa, Epps, Delco, Iron Horse, ect ect They keep warranty list and prospective customers contack information. Get them to offer this BBS to there customers as a busness resource! Free of charge! This would taget specifically those who would find this sight of interest!!!
GREAT IDEA! That's one of the ideas we have on the table.... but tell me, how would you do it?

Stickers on products?
Flyer inserts with orders?

What ideas to you have on the way to use them to reach people?

Beth, Im cheep so ...... Post cards ..... with the URL of this BBS, Do the border with the names of the variouse manufactuers and they might even pay postage. LOL
Mr greenrw71, (sorry, don't know your name)

that's a good idea. Might even ask suppliers to throw one of these postcards (or even just a small notice sheet) into the mailers, sales fliers, catalogs, invoices and other correspondance that they are sending out anyhow. Then they would pay the postage for sure. The border thing with names is good too.

Some may not want full color glossy postcards (that may look better than the stuff they are mailing out), so offer a xerox copy of a simple notice with the URL on it as an alternate. (Use some kind of neon colored paper to make it stand out)

Who else has ideas.......come on folks, GET CREATIVE !
Have an area where we could print out a stack of; for
lack of a better word Business Cards that we would be able to place at various locations (paint stores, home centers, doctor's offices etc.) Under one of site we would be able to access the business cards or flyers that would be designed by PWI.