dual turbo nozzle

jon chapman

New member
How hard would it be to make my own dual turbo nozzle? would a wand and a t work? The ones Ive seen are welded with more of u than a T. But with few exceptions, no distributer carries them, good distributers anyway. I dont trust northern tools stuff.
what would be the problems you would foresee?
If you ran 8gpm at 4000 psi, two 4s rated at 3000 would suffice?
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Seen a company do sidewalks like this, I was driving by, he was walking at a normal stride, he did not have to worry about spalsh because one side was shrubs and the other open parking lot, I would say he had it about 2.5ft from the surface. making it should not be that difficult, you have to get the overlap correct.

I had posted on the TGS about zeros in line to cleaning flat concrete pads, wondering if it would be faster than a surface cleaner......, then i saw a company on youtube that had then this very thing doing fuel pads with vac recovery
I made my own early on. Had no idea what I was doing. Lined up four Lowe's turbos. Imagine my surprise when my 2.8 gpm sears unit wouldn't push it.

Another failed experiment.

Thankfully I found PWI before I did even dumber things.

I'd like to know how they work for fuel pads though. Do you have a link for that video Nigel?
I put 2 turbo nozzles on a surface cleaner once...
Thats what I was waiting for. A company to figure out how to make turbo tips for surface cleaners!!!!
I made my own early on. Had no idea what I was doing. Lined up four Lowe's turbos. Imagine my surprise when my 2.8 gpm sears unit wouldn't push it.

Another failed experiment.

Thankfully I found PWI before I did even dumber things.

I'd like to know how they work for fuel pads though. Do you have a link for that video Nigel?

Here you go Tony , the power of zero

Looks like that machine does a good job, I wonder if they could lower the height by enough to fit into parking garages?
That is very interesting Nigel.

My first thoughts would be:

1) how much power and water would it take to work that many turbo nozzles.
2) How reliable would it be. Even the best Turbo nozzles haven't proven to be very reliable. I'd hate to be under the truck changing nozzles all night (especially at a few hundred each!)

Otherwise it looks good.
I would guess that the system would be at about 4000psi since there would not be hardly any pressure loss since you are not running long hoses from the pump.

For every turbo nozzle I would have at least 4 or 5 gpm for good cleaning ability.

Not sure if they had one huge pump or several but when you do the math, it would be less expensive to rig up multiple 4gpm or 5gpm machines then run the water through burners, maybe have a pre-heater on the water tank for a better heat rise.

It looks like it had at least 8 turbo nozzles so that would be like 32 to 40gpm at 4000psi, maybe more gpm's if there are more turbo nozzles.
We did a twin-turbo config. for a guy that rennovates swimming pools..
he used 7gpm @ 5000psi for blasting old grout from between the tiles.
..and loved it.
I would guess that the system would be at about 4000psi since there would not be hardly any pressure loss since you are not running long hoses from the pump.

For every turbo nozzle I would have at least 4 or 5 gpm for good cleaning ability.

Not sure if they had one huge pump or several but when you do the math, it would be less expensive to rig up multiple 4gpm or 5gpm machines then run the water through burners, maybe have a pre-heater on the water tank for a better heat rise.

It looks like it had at least 8 turbo nozzles so that would be like 32 to 40gpm at 4000psi, maybe more gpm's if there are more turbo nozzles.

Different sizes available

11 to 26 gpm ....... psi 2000 to 4300 psi
Yeah, Jerry. Thats the basic idea.

Russ, That is the same as northern tool carries. is it of good enough quality to last? Like I said I dont think of Northerns stuff as being of high quality.

are the suttner turbos reparable? where would you mount the filter? 1 at the gun end or 2 right before the nozzles?
Suttner nozzles are repairable and some of the better turbo nozzles on the market. Unless you bang it around or lean on like a cane it it should last just fine for you Suttner makes some durable products.
I had plans for a truck similar to that drawn up. I was going to build it, too, until the CFO got wind of it...

I was going to use a Tymco sweeper on a smaller chassis, like a f-350. The sweeper tank is water tight, and with a decent filtering system, it would work great. Problem was convincing the sweeper manufacturer that I needed a longer chassis then they typically offer, because I needed to mount a pressure washer power unit on it. Then there is the whole three motor thing. One for the sweeper, one for the vacuum, and one for the truck. There are a LOT of possibilities with a system like that.