FREEEEEEEE 12 Water KEY give Away FREEEEEEEE Read Below

I want freeeeee water keys
Hi Guys,

The first shipment of waters keys winners have been shipped out today 7/26.
Brian Smith
Aaron Ritchie
Larry Millette
David Vicars

Sorry the rest of the water keys are on back order. I will be shipping the water keys out as soon as I can get them in. Sorry for any inconvenience guys.
Shaye, why don't you just use one box for all my shirts, water keys, duel lance, trigger gun and hot water skid unit? Just trying to save you a couple dollars on shipping. Im good like that. :)
Shaye, why don't you just use one box for all my shirts, water keys, duel lance, trigger gun and hot water skid unit? Just trying to save you a couple dollars on shipping. Im good like that. :)

Hi Larry,

Already had most of it packaged ready to go. You almost got You threw in some extras..... but you are getting the shirt, water key, and you got the down streamer earlier.
Hi Larry,

Already had most of it packaged ready to go. You almost got You threw in some extras..... but you are getting the shirt, water key, and you got the down streamer earlier.
It was the hot water skid unit wasn't it? Damn, I should have said cold water unit. Hahaha!
Hi Guys,

The rest of the Water keys are being shipped out today to.......

Doug Rucker
Chad Johnson
Matthew Pate
Jay Rissler
Alberto Rivero
David Styles
Keenan Gilligan
Brad Clonan
Randy Borio

Sorry about the wait had to get more water keys in guys.
Ron, the wipe you sent with the trigger gun was amazing!

The day after it arrived, Innis drew all over the leather seats in the truck... The wipe took it off without a problem. It also took some concrete floor paint off the leather in the back seat that I spilled!

Will order a bunch for use in shopping centers!