StreetBid Looks Like a Really Great Sales Tool, I would contact Josh Assistant Daniel

I don't mail to residential and I'm not crazy about the idea of sticking the picture of a property on a post card.

I Do think it could have a place in commercial though. I think the idea of sending somewhat personalized cards to a hundred locations is cool. Especially if I could do it from the comfort of my pc.
<iframe src="" width="650" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>.....

I have Been doing this for Years, Its a Great Idea for anyone. I do not think this is really anything New for me, the process in my own systems in about the Same. I just now have went beyond Post cards straight to Video.

I have even shown early on How I in-corporate Multiple locations in one Video.

All these Locations on My system are on my own network
I think what I like the most is the delivery system ...over every door direct.... I think the cost savings and with the possibility of different templates it allows you a lot of creativity.

They Print together and send, not very tough. The Email are Instant , You want a video I'll bet?
Dave your a PWRA member , trial it FREE now!!!

Let us all know
Ron I agree with you that this is a great tool, however I don't have time right now to be driving around neighborhoods taking pictures, and im not going to hire someone to do it, I may consider it this winter. Please show me a link to wear it says its free to trial for pwra members that's news to me???
Ron I agree with you that this is a great tool, however I don't have time right now to be driving around neighborhoods taking pictures, and im not going to hire someone to do it, I may consider it this winter. Please show me a link to wear it says its free to trial for pwra members that's news to me???

Chris is Right Here, your a member so I'm sure you get it.
I believe your right about that.. That reason alone will make it tough for commercial.. Larger stuff at least.

Pictures are powerful, we always use them on estimates and bids.. What is new is the automation and ease of it all.. And of course the price. The price of the whole thing is super low compared to other ways of mailing.

I don't think most realize this will involve another person on payroll , not set on that its cheaper.

I estimate my data base tool 145,000 in payroll alone to compile the info.

Iowa July 19 & 20 free free text me for more details !!
Dave your a PWRA member , trial it FREE now!!!

Let us all know

I never said it was free. I said PWRA members get access a month before the general public. If your a member obtain the password from the members area and enter it in the splash screen on the first page of the app once you have it. The app is free to download and play with.
I don't think most realize this will involve another person on payroll.

Thats completely untrue. The app is designed for exactly the opposite of what your saying.

You can easily collect 100 per hour. You can hit off a few pictures in a nice neighborhood before or after a job. You can have unlimited devices all tied to the same account so your employees can snap pictures as well and they all go to your main account. All you have to do is chip away at a little here and there and you can have a huge database in no time.

This is actually a big time savings over other forms of advertising.
Thats completely untrue. The app is designed for exactly the opposite of what your saying.

You can easily collect 100 per hour. You can hit off a few pictures in a nice neighborhood before or after a job. You can have unlimited devices all tied to the same account so your employees can snap pictures as well and they all go to your main account. All you have to do is chip away at a little here and there and you can have a huge database in no time.

This is actually a big time savings over other forms of advertising.
all the while paying how much a month?
all the while paying how much a month?

The video told me it was free, don't have to pay anything. Just a higher rate if you didn't have a pay subscription.

Iowa July 19 & 20 free free text me for more details !!