Pine sap on vinyl


New member
I had a job the other day that I was completely unprepared for. Drove to the customer's small vinyl house, having to clean 3 sides of the house and thinking it would only take an hour or two at most. Unfortunately, this house was covered not only with the usual dirt and grime, but some sort of sticky residue, probably pine sap, that could not come off with the pressure washer. 4 hours of scrubbing by hand later, with rags, straight bleach, and Simple Cherry, we were finished.

Has anyone encountered this before? I just could not believe this stuff wouldn't give to the pressure washer and took so much time.

I have before and after pics I will try to post if it helps any.

Probably simple turpentine would have dealt to it and been ok on the sidings. Turps is made from pine tree "juice" so it would have been like working to dissolve
Agree with Guy, we run into it occasionally, but it is not part of the House Wash. It is an extra. Some will pay for it some will not.
The problem with this job was that the entire bottom half of this house was practically covered in this. It's not really a house wash if only half the house is clean, and unfortunately I can't expect the owners to know what's really on their house. This one job where a simple in-person estimate would've saved my A$$!!
David. You can always adjust the price prior to starting. I explain that in non visit quotes Just because I quote a price by phone doesn't necessarily mean that's the final price. If after arriving for instance I discover some something out of the scope of our house wash, we discuss and adjust the price or the, as in this case, the sap remains after we are done.

While you may not be able to expect every customer to know what's on there house, you can't be expected to know either until you see it.

Doug Rucker
Clean and Green Solutions
Pressure Washing Roof Cleaning School
Call or Text 281.883.8470
I'm with Doug...Price adjustment or walk...this is why I dislike residential work...Small varibles outside of your control can change agreements in an instance...Recently I was asked to estimate cleaning an alumi siding home which I knew was going to be trouble. When the customer called to say that another company had agreed to clean the house and windows for $250, I didnt even attempt to put up a fight. I'm learning to just let some projects walk before working for free or dam near...
Probably simple turpentine would have dealt to it and been ok on the sidings. Turps is made from pine tree "juice" so it would have been like working to dissolve
This would be my recommendation on this project. Do a test spot and adjust the price according.