F9 BARC and Freezing


Hi Guys and Gals,

Just an update to answer any questions on F9 BARC freezing and any issues.

This has been one of the most brutal and coldest seasons to date. I understand if sometimes product gets left on your trucks and it freezes. I've done numerous tests on F9, freezing it multiple times, and although I would never suggest anyone to do this on purpose... I'm finding no difference in performance after it thaws out! This is good news!

If your F9 freezes, just warm it back up to room temperature. If you have already diluted your product down to recommended ratios, you may still have a small amount of powder or crystals in the bottom from the freeze. Just swirl the container a bit for about 2 minutes and they should all dilute back into solution.

If you do not pre-dilute your product before you leave it on your truck and it freezes, you'll have a lot more crystals to dilute.

Here is the video to get them back into solution if you HAVE NOT already pre-diluted the product: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZVaqRTEs8A

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