How to resize pics

Oh yeah that magnetic scraper is a must!!!!!

I owe a huge thank you to BES, HSH&DS,FS,Dave Ott,Dave S.,Alexy,Josh,Matt Rod,Uncle Lou and many other greaser and non greasers alike. In no order of importance as they are all equally responsible for my induction into the Grease Family. The job went really well for the first one, i would have been a bumbling Idjet(Borrowed from a little buddy of mine) if it hadn't been for all of the guidance and knowledge you all shared with me.
Oh yeah and a shout out to good ol Rusty...We did speak on the phone once.

I wanted to post more pics but I am over my quota? Note to there a limit? Am I over it?
Hello Dear Moderators,
I would like to post more photos...I have exceeded my quota...can I get a boost? I know others have more dead kitty pictures than I have posted so what gives??:mad:
Try this site just upload your photos then cut and paste the code and you can put them all up at once.

<embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="" width="700" height="220" name="flashticker" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""/><img src="" height="0" width="0"/>
Let me try ..... I don't know ehat I'm

The pics are of my 3 daughters and my lady the lil guy is my grandson
This is pretty cool thx Matt...