Member service Problems,

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Member service Problems,

Feel free to call me anytime day or night. Hears how it works, call me at 2:00am because if I answer you not bothering me. I realize many of us work late and other’s work early. I do a lot of my work in at night. I ‘m usually up late so calling me when you have a problem is OK.

This is the Number 602-487-5756

Some of the things I would like to see grow on the BBS.

I can help you install photos, logos of your business. I would like to see photos, I’m currently looking for the right picture of myself. Bigboy has been harassing Scott Stone & myself to post them.

Any links to do with washing are welcome on the BBS.

First time posters, I hope many that experience trouble would call I can walk them through the steps, it is very easy once you know the tricks.


This number is designated for the BBS, call anytime and I mean that. If you see me online I might have it on. Please keep these calls to tech questions about the BBS and not opinions or ideas please post them on the BBS for all to see. I just want to help those having trouble using features.