Need help-new to the business


New member
This is my first post.I am looking to start a power washing busines doing residential/small commercial.
I am looking at generac models 2500psi@3gpm or 3000@3gpm with a turbo
nozzle and using generac multi wash.Is this a good machine and chemical to start out with part time? Was told to charge
$135 to $155 for a 1 story and add $100
for a 2story residential.As far as commercial charge 5-8 cents sq. ft.
Dose this sound right to you? I live in sw Mi.As far a flat surface washers go was looking at whisper wash.
Been looking the delco website over.
Also was told I didn't need insurance if
I was doing this part time.
What is a good way to advertise?
Please feel free to e-mail me also.
Thanks for all your help!
HD, welcome to the board,

Ok you ask a lot of questions to speed it up from my end I don't do homes, wood work or gutters so I cannot say the prices you mention are right or not.

Now about insurance, whomever said you don't need it, well all I can say is that is not good advice, BUY INSURANCE before you ever do a job.

Would you buy a new car and say "no one is going to hit it or steal it so why should I insure it?".

Yes if your in business, even part time you do indeed need insurance and it also should be part of your selling point. Those that don't have it stand to loose the most.

Next do not buy anything till you spend a couple month researching this business, learn all you can about equipment and the different types of work we do.

You will find buying a system like what you mentioned is not the best investment although many started out that way and have done well for themselves. Several are on this board and will disagree with me here which is fine since we all get along well.

Now you mentioned the Whisper Wash surface cleaner, I assume your plan to clean concrete too and if so totally forget what you wanted to buy. You need HOT water to clean concrete correctly and the surface cleaner is one tool you do indeed need.

As to exactly what field you will end up doing only you can tell, but if you plan on going into this full time my suggestion is if you can afford to buy proper equipment, meaning spending at least $5,000 or so.

What kind of vehicle are you planing to use, pickup or/trailer?
What about water tanks, spare hoses, wands, tips, different chemicals, learn about them, get copies of MSDS and read them before not after you touch the stuff.

How about also filling out your profile in more detail so we can learn about you, you never know someone in your area might offer to teach you if you're willing to work for free and learn.