Concrete Cleaning Bid Formula

I am trying to create a commercial concrete bidding formula so that I don't have to go out and bid every job myself. I know that I would need to use my cost per hour, plus what I want/need to make. There are intervals which concrete needs to be cleaned 30/60/90/etc. days... how would I determine what amount of time it should take my crew to complete the job considering the varying intervals? For Example: I might charge $500 to clean 4000 sf of dirty concrete at $125 per hour x 4 hours, but how would I determine in advance what to charge 3 months later? Would it take only 3 hours the next time? I know that depends on how dirty it gets between cleanings. Maybe just ask when was the last time it was cleaned? I might have just answered my own question........

So far in my area pm's and gms' seem to prefer quarterly or semi annual cleanings and many places I visit don't really look dirty. Any discussion?