Environmental Issues

Larry Hinckley

Hall of Fame Member
Municipal Regulations for Cosmetic Power Washing http://www.dcs1.com/regs/
I am preparing a seminar for EPA Region 6 Regulators on the effect of “Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinances & Regulations” on Storm Sewer Water. If anyone knows of any contact information of Regulators in your area please forward the contact information to Robert Hinderliter at robert@dcs1.com. The following letter will be forwarded to then in order for their results to be included in the study.

For you efforts I will sent you a copy of the study.

Thanks for your help, Robert Hinderliter

2513 Warfield Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76106
Ph: 817-625-4213, 800-433-2113; fax 817-625-2059
website: www.dcs1.com email: robert@dcs1.com

May 2, 2008

Senior Environmental Engineer
Public Works Department

Re: Open Records Request for EPA Region 6 MS4 Conference

Dear Mr. XXX:

I am preparing the following Presentation for the upcoming 10th Annual EPA Region 6 MS4 Operators Conference July 14 – 17, 2008 in Waco, Texas, http://www.epa.gov/region6/6wq/npdes/sw/ms4/conference.htm .

“MS4 Ordinances for Cosmetic Cleaning

BMPs & Regulations for
Mobile Power Wash Cosmetic Cleaning

We will explain the Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinances of Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City, BASMAA (Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association). Some of these ordinances have been in affect for over 12 years and their impact on the MS4s will be presented. Models for Ordinances, Contractor Training & Certification, and BMPS will be demonstrated along with the model ordinance on the EPA’s website at http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/ordinance/ for cosmetic cleaning.

Presentation will be moderated by Robert M. Hinderliter, President of Delco Cleaning Systems of Fort Worth who was instrumental in the development of Fort Worth Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinance. Also a panel of regulators will answers question about the effectiveness of regulations in their municipalities.”

According to Brent Larsen, NPDES Permit Branch, EPA Region 6, the information that I will need for the presentation is contained in your NPDES Permit, IDDE (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination) Section - Monitoring Program Results. Specifically I need the Detergents and FOG (Fats, Oil, and Grease) detected in the storm drains as a percentage over time. As an example the Detergents detected in the storm drains before the Fort Worth Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinance was passed were over 65%. And after the ordinance was passed the detergents in the storm drains has varied from 4% to 14% since January 2, 1996 giving us a 12 year history.

What I need to graph for the presentation is the effect the Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinances on the Illicit Discharges (detergents) into the MS4s (storm drains) as compared to specifics of the Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinances or BMPs.

What I specifically need to know about the Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinance or BMP is: were discharges allowed to the Sanitary Sewer Systems and if so under what conditions. Or were the discharges to the MS4 simply prohibited?

Thank you for your help,

Robert M. Hinderliter
Delco Cleaning Systems of Fort Worth
2513 Warfield Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76106-7554
Office Phone: 800-433-2113, Direct Phone Line: 800-211-0286, or 817-529-6601
Cell Phone: 817-366-3041, Office Fax: 817-625-2059
Office Email: robert@dcs1.com Company Email: delco@dcs1.com
Websites: www.dcs1.com, www.pressurewash.com , www.ikeca.com
Great Post and Information Larry !
But then, you and Delco have ONLY been providing top notch technical info for upteen years :)
You and Delco are not forgotten Larry!
Here is a song I wrote about you guys

Here is my latest "song".
It is about my old home, the Delco Board.

Here is the music http://www.lsjunction.com/midi/yellowr.mid

Here are the words - sing along!

There's the Delco Board from Texas, that I am going to see,
No one else could miss it, not half as much as me.
I cried so when I left her, it like to broke my heart,
When I come back to Delco, we nevermore will part.

Delco was the first board, our Industry ever knew,
Before other boards were common, it was there for me and you;
Talk about your favorite place, and sing it's praises too,
But the Delco Board of Texas was there when other boards were new

When Chemicals are a flowin, and the Burner burns so bright,
And I'm out cleaning Concrete in the quiet summer night:
I know Delco remembers, when we hung out long ago,
I promise to return again, and not to leave her so.

Oh now I'm going to find her, for my heart is full of woe,
And we'll talk cleaning together, like we did not long ago
We'll learn from Larry Hinckley, and learn to clean some more,
And the Delco Board of Texas shall be mine forevermore.
The Delco Board of Texas shall be mine forevermore.
The Delco Board of Texas shall be mine forevermore.