How Do I clean this?


This wall is a stone of somesort. Unfortunately I am not sure what it is but it seems to be porous? Looks like rough finished concrete. There is unpolished marble a foot away from the wall. The wall was hit with marker and then the manager had someone try to clean it with some chemical, which he wasn't sure what it was. He would like me to clean it but I am not sure how to procede. A friend recommended one restore, which I have. I wasn't sure if taginator would be a good choice. Can you give me a recommendation and process? I need to be careful of the marble as well as the glass that is about 4' away.
Wall graffiti.JPG
My first choice would be One restore.
Whatever you use you better be right or up your insurance before you take on something you know nothing about?
We do a lot of cleaning for this customer both on windows and flat work. My knowledge of stone is limited so all the help is appreciated.
Thanks Jim. I used the One Restore and it turned out great. This shot is at night as I finished so it isn't the greatest for seeing how bright and clean it came out. The manager just added $4,000 worth of work. Thanks for the help.
tag gone.JPG
In the future work up to the one restore. Have a bag of tricks in the truck, make sure you know what type of stone it is before you start.