Pressure washing a Sanitary Clean up Phoenix Arizona

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
The process for sanitizing a sanitary spill using lime typically involves the following steps:

  • Safety Precautions: Before beginning, ensure that you are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and a mask to protect yourself from any potential hazards.
  • Containment: If the spill is still active or spreading, take measures to contain it using absorbent materials like sand or absorbent pads. This helps prevent further contamination.
  • Absorption: Sprinkle a Small amount of lime over the spill area. Lime is known for its absorbent qualities and can help solidify liquids, making them easier to handle. You can always add more so do not over use. Below I will have some suggestive mixes based on the size of spill.
  • Mixing: Depending on the type of spill and its size, you may need to mix the lime with the spilled material. Use a shovel or similar tool to thoroughly blend the lime with the spill. This helps in neutralizing odors and promoting solidification.
  • Allow Time: Let the lime-spill mixture sit for a period of time as per the product's instructions or until the spill is solidified. This may take several hours or longer, depending on the volume and nature of the spill.
  • Cleanup: Once the mixture has solidified, use a shovel or other suitable tools to scoop it up and dispose of it in accordance with local regulations for hazardous waste or sanitation waste.
  • Always simply use Multipurpose sand to absorb all the waste. After you have spread the sand and shoveled up the bulk of the mess you will be amazed that you do not have to do anything.
  • Pressure washing After the sand is all picked up and disposed of please commence washing, you can use a detergent of your choice, keep in mind if asphalt no caustic cleaners and they damage the sealcoat. Once you have cleaned the area with the washer things appear to look great. It’s not over yet, when the final rinse is over take a shaker of lime and put a very small amount on the ground start with a half of cup or less, you do not need much. Rinse this across the entire spill, when you get to the end if you see white residue you used too much rinse again.
  • Decontamination: Thoroughly clean and decontaminate the spill area and any tools used in the process. Dispose of PPE used during the cleanup properly.
  • Documentation: Maintain proper documentation of the spill, the materials used, and the cleanup process for compliance and record-keeping purposes.

It's important to note that the specific procedures and safety measures may vary depending on the type of spill, the substances involved, and local regulations. Always refer to the relevant safety guidelines and consult with authorities or experts if you are dealing with hazardous materials or large-scale spills.

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