The DECKSTER sprayer

Chris Detter

New member
Hey Everyone,

Sun Brite has a great 12 volt sprayer on the market. We're Darn proud of it. It's called "THE DECKSTER" Great construction, easy to operate, Great Price! $399.00 (til Oct.14, 01)
Take a look at (click on products)

Thank You Chris Detter Sun Brite, Inc. :) :) :)
Yea, but its definitely not 399
599 at sunbrite

You can get a similar unit (decker 5'er) from scott at too
I thought Shane would put them both out of business when he unveiled The Bucketster but I guess some people want 'purty' and not just functional.
I have two Decksters and I had to fix the pumps a couple of times each most likely because of abuse. Sunbrite sells parts for these pumps which do come in handy. I love these Decksters and to just think a few years back I use to pump spray everything. Even at one time used a Back pack Pump sprayer that leaked chemicals on my back a few times.

I would Highly recommend a Deckster sprayer!!!