
Paul Jennings

Pave Clean - Chemical Sales
Actually we've had some success with cleaning up both food oil's and grease stains. The application is basically the same, although you may want to pre-treat the stains. Many of our contractors will use mineral spirits, or similar products to loosen up hard stains.

In regards to your other question. I will assume you're talking about parking spaces. As in any site, the application will vary depending on you and the clients desires. There are many times that we will "box" clean a location. In other words we'll treat the stained area more directly and just sweep down the rest of the lane or stall. You can do the entire space but sweeping it down to reduce potential tracking is paramount. Adjusting for color blending is relatively simple and we have specific tints for that use. Simply using a mortar tint is NOT recommended. I know that one of our major clients down here like the box method. This is usually a 4ft by 4ft area being treated directly and the remainder of the stall simply swept clean from dirt and items. It is a personal call on which process and I would highly recommend that consulting with the client would determine which process is best for them. Many drive thru lanes normally will be center laned. leaving the outside area alone as they do not require oil and grease removal. If a lane is really bad we try to convince the client that a full lane cleaning is necessary in the first couple of applications. This will eventually eliminate all the existing stains and allow for a good base to continue servicing that account. The product will stay down for quite a long time. Many accounts (monthly service) actually stay looking clean from month to month and the "whiteness" or more new looking appearance will stay indefinetly.

Hope that helped you in your question. Here's a story and picture at one of the bridges using PaveClean

You'll notice that they use a centerlane program and are very happy with how the lanes are looking. Any more questions just post or email me!
