Cleaning restaurant kitchen floor


New member
Hello Everybody,

I will soon be cleaning a kitchen floor. I wonder if my surface cleaning and hot water from my rig will be enough. If you have had experience in cleaning restaurant kitchen floors, please advise me. I would think that chemicals are a risk due to the proximity of food preparation.

When you are cleaning, all food items should be put away, and when you finish, you or the restaurant should wipe the food contact areas down regardless of chem use or not.

The use of chems will improve your speed and make it look better as well. The type of restaurant will determine what you should use.

Do they have floors drains, or do you need to pick up the water? Either way, you will need a good vacuum or squeegee man as the water never seems to go in the right direction.

Tiled floor or concrete? Careful with those grout lines if it applies as some are more sensitive than others.