Everett Abrams
The concept behind Deck Restoration Plus is to be the "Go To Company" after a wood deck, house, log home or any exterior wood structure has been built. It still amazes me that my company is unique in this as there are very few companies that perform these services under one roof. Most customers need at least 2 different contractors for these projects and on homes usually 3 different contractors (one for repairs, one for the sealing, staining, or painting, and often a window cleaner when we are done). In this thread I am illustrating another option for many customers that is both profitable for the contractor and raises sales while offering a "discount" to the customer because they do not have to replace the whole deck. I will state that most customers with an older deck are usually left with 2 options, one is to replace the deck all together and the second applying a solid stain or paint to old wood. When we first went to see this deck the customer had little hope, as you will see by the end it is a great option to provide complete restoration, repair, and maintenance services for these structures. First the "before" pictures: