Google PPC - Average cost in your area

We had Google run an average report for the key word "Pressure Washing" within a 75 mile radius of 44286. According to them this key word phrase was by far number one at an average of 1200 searches per month in our region. The cost for this search phrase "Top 3" is $976 a month. What this means is that out of the "Top 3" spots 2 are static an appear every time the key word phrase is searched. For that set charge of $976 you are in the "Top 2". The third spot is reserved for bidding on the keyword phrase an it rotates based on ones bid offering.

My question is the following. Have you ha such a search ran by Google an if so what were there reported findings and proposed monthly investment?

By the way "Roof Washing" was the second most searched term at just over 900 a month. No other related search terms that we regularly discuss using appear in the report enough to even discuss them. Including deck cleaning or deck washing.