got a ?

Michael T

Ive got a question for my felow greasers. Do any of you service Kobe Steakhouse or Benny Hanna type restaurants? These are the type restaurant with the multiple hoods in the dining room and then a larger hood in the kitchen.

I was called to bid on one and have a few questions. What are some of your experience's? Call me or email me 0m_tessaro@hotmail.com0 drop the 0's.

Well its chinese type cooking,hows that grab ya for starters.
Just have to tarp up all the different small hood setups as always and have at it.
Cover up the tables and chairs around the hood area, keep the hood draped tight.
Hope there isnt carpet on the floor. If so- cover the floor with plastic and keep the wet vac close at hand.
I was just contacted to bid on a Kobe Steakhouse as well. They said there are 20 hoods. How do you go about schedule the work? I imagine it would be hard to do them all in one night. Also are those 20 hoods tied into the same duct work and exhaust system or are they seperated into 4 or 5 systems or all seperate. How long would you anticipate working in this type environment, this might help me with an accurate quote.
All good Ideas, But I pass on these types of set-ups.... Everything that was mentioned was running through my head. To me, It seemed like it would be alot of effort just to come up with a bid or disclaimer that would cya myself, But not risking the job or loss of profits...

I see this thread has resurrected itself. I just declined to bid that job back in January. I noticed about a month ago it hadnt been cleaned yet ( fans still dirty as seen from road). Whats that , about 6 months and still no takers? But guess what? Its not my problem.
I do 3 of those restaurants one is a standard Captve air in the back (6filter) and 10 of the Hibatchi hoods out front. Wrap the standard system as you would any other hood. As far as the others Most of the systems have 2 hoods going to one exhaust fan ( check this) If it is you can pull all the fans and spray them down doing them all at the same time then scrape or spay the ducts check to see for acess panells,one version of the captive air system that is a pre-fab for these restaurants does not have acess panels and they are set up like a reverse "T" so they are hard to clean at the corners. you can drop a 6" duct sprinner after spraying with foam and it does a decent job.
As far as the ducts you can wrap 2 at a time that share the same fan and go from there or wrap them all using their trash cans to help you and do them all at the same time.
I split the crew having one up top spaying and scraping also doing the fans one doing filters (30+) and one wrapping. I have some pics form the last job if you want contact me off the board.
Another tip is that the hoods usually go right to the bottom of the decorative wood they like to put around the hoods. just wrap the outside of the hood with the plastic instead of trying to shim the platic to the hood and you will saveyourself MUCHO time

I would be interested in seeing your pictures from the last job like this you did. I am going in the morning to give a bid. Thanks.