hey guys !!

Dan S

how ya all doing ????

just thought I would drop a line and say hey .......... hey !!!

yes Im still washing and working and washing and working and working and working etc..........

when I first logged on I was reading about the ZIP and boy oh boy I thought things have never changed around here ...

what was you saying Ron M about me in the zip post?

Something like sorry I was only funnin ya ? whats that all about ?

any way im not here 2 cause trouble ...... just wondering how the heck yaw are doing ..........
Hey Dan S.,
It looks like your staying busy working. I'm sure your having fun working... errr... I mean cashing the checks. To bad we have to work our tails off to get money. Could Money be over rated??? Who knows. One thing I do know for sure, I never have enough of that Green stuff.

As for Zip he is gone for now. I'm sure he will resurface again down the road under another name. Can't say that I miss him.

As for excitement right now the question is will Debi and Bigboy ever hook up?? Those two seem to be made for each other in Powerwashing heaven. Then again maybe not since Bigboy has 5ft tall rabbits for pets. He must live near a Nuclear Power Plant. Maybe he even lives in the Power Plant.:D :D