I thought Tony was always right.......

Tony you should take the test become a cop then you could fix all the problems you have with law enforcement. I know in the department i used to work for( i am no longer a cop) I would only see or deal with the men and women on my squad. We had over 130 officers and i still dont know everyone on the whole force. Its very easy for someone who has never done the job to tell someone else how to do it and what they should do and act like. You really havent a clue. You just see and search for the negativity ( which you draw on yourself) ( negativity draws negativity). For me when i was a cop i saw nothing that needed to be reported and everyone on my platoon did their job within the parameters of the law. Just like any profession there will always be bad apples but that dosent make everyone a bad apple as well.

Have a safe and happy christmas tony..I will do my best to aviod your negative post about law enforcment.

Oh, go figure
Michael D, if you say you never saw any other cops doing anything wrong I can't do anything but take your word.

What do you think of this guy? Do you want to lock him up like every officer in Texas has been trying to do? Or is he doing the right thing?

The last thing I want to see is a child with a loaded firearm..especially if there going thru puberty but hey Tony you think That's ok & that's fine. Good luck to ya on that one.

The problem is your Categorizing all cops to be bad because most of them don't spend there time locking up other cops or reporting cops. Your reading right past the facts I'm telling you about my uncle and some friends of mine who worked and are working in the Internal affairs division. None of them are there because there screwballs. There good cops as well. My uncle in your eyes would be God to you because he was involved in locking up some very bad cops. If I was in his position I would have done the same....but that wasn't my direction in my career.

The only thing I could show you that's public about me is when I was on the cover of the NY post or Daily news(Can never remember which newspaper which is buried in my closet) during the day of outrage in NY city in 87 where Sharpton and his cronies Mason & Maddox all got locked up.

The other one is my most disturbing moment as a cop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DEz_Yokh-g&feature=youtube_gdata_player
If you go the 28th second in there and listen closely that officer Eddie Cormier is getting the info from me about the commercial jet because I happened to be on an alarm call with no one home in the other side of that hill when that jet crashed.

I went into that plane with McEnroe/Tatum O'niel's neighbor when no other cop was their yet.

In this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwT5fe3B_ng&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Freeze it at the 2:20 point you'll see me with my mustache and flashlight. All I did was my job what a good cops is supposed to do and most do just that.

Mike Pontillo also has a rock solid background who is climbing up the boss ladder because he does his job.

9-11 was a national hit we all took and your going to spew that those cops that died in those falling building when they were just trying to save some lives were bad cops because there is nowhere on there record that they turned cops in or locked up cops??

How about we put your life up there and see what your past contribution was to society. No one is labeling you like your labeling many good people.

So Tony since your now labeling Mike P. As a bad dude without knowing nothing about him but you now have a little tidbit about me.. Do I fall into your theory that just about all cops are bad? Keep in mind I never locked a cop and I did refused to work with a couple of cops in the late 80's that were rumored to be trouble who they ended up doing themselves in.

How do You even look a parent, a brother, a sister or a child in the eye who has lost their son/daughter,brother or sister or mother/father who happened to be a cop and were killed in the line of duty with your attitude that they were bad anyway?

Or did you never have to deal with that?

Besides all this crap because it's crap-- Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours.
Tony i dont have an hour and half to watch this video so i cant tell you yes or no. But if he is selling drugs or has drugs on his person that you bet i would lock him up. Drugs are illegal.

Are you going to turn your weapons in when guns are illegal? Or is an activity criminal only if it's one you choose to not participate in? Just some food for thought.
Wow excellent control there Fayth....right now I got Emma Grace training on a Daisy BB Gun, will ease her into the big stuff gradually. She love shooting that thing though.

Hey Tony, for every one person that says they are tired of hearing this there will be 5 that will say they find what you are posting very interesting. In fact for some, like me I find it very interesting. The reason i find it so interesting is I have several close personal friends that are cops. A few I even ride along with on occasion.

You stole the wood analogy from me before I could post, but I too never peruse the Wood Section, or The Fleet Wash Section, or KEC section and others. They are just of no interest to me. When I use to read a newspaper, if the headline didn't interest me I didn't read the article.

Your one of the few here that when I see your name I read the post, doesn't matter to me what the subject is. The reason is, you make me think, and you ALWAYS make sense. Do I always agree with you, NO, but I always see the point your making.

I agree with you Doug, I feel that I am getting " Informed ".
The last thing I want to see is a child with a loaded firearm..especially if there going thru puberty but hey Tony you think That's ok & that's fine. Good luck to ya on that one.

The problem is your Categorizing all cops to be bad because most of them don't spend there time locking up other cops or reporting cops. Your reading right past the facts I'm telling you about my uncle and some friends of mine who worked and are working in the Internal affairs division. None of them are there because there screwballs. There good cops as well. My uncle in your eyes would be God to you because he was involved in locking up some very bad cops. If I was in his position I would have done the same....but that wasn't my direction in my career.

The only thing I could show you that's public about me is when I was on the cover of the NY post or Daily news(Can never remember which newspaper which is buried in my closet) during the day of outrage in NY city in 87 where Sharpton and his cronies Mason & Maddox all got locked up.

The other one is my most disturbing moment as a cop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DEz_Yokh-g&feature=youtube_gdata_player
If you go the 28th second in there and listen closely that officer Eddie Cormier is getting the info from me about the commercial jet because I happened to be on an alarm call with no one home in the other side of that hill when that jet crashed.

I went into that plane with McEnroe/Tatum O'niel's neighbor when no other cop was their yet.

In this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwT5fe3B_ng&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Freeze it at the 2:20 point you'll see me with my mustache and flashlight. All I did was my job what a good cops is supposed to do and most do just that.

Mike Pontillo also has a rock solid background who is climbing up the boss ladder because he does his job.

9-11 was a national hit we all took and your going to spew that those cops that died in those falling building when they were just trying to save some lives were bad cops because there is nowhere on there record that they turned cops in or locked up cops??

How about we put your life up there and see what your past contribution was to society. No one is labeling you like your labeling many good people.

So Tony since your now labeling Mike P. As a bad dude without knowing nothing about him but you now have a little tidbit about me.. Do I fall into your theory that just about all cops are bad? Keep in mind I never locked a cop and I did refused to work with a couple of cops in the late 80's that were rumored to be trouble who they ended up doing themselves in.

How do You even look a parent, a brother, a sister or a child in the eye who has lost their son/daughter,brother or sister or mother/father who happened to be a cop and were killed in the line of duty with your attitude that they were bad anyway?

Or did you never have to deal with that?

Besides all this crap because it's crap-- Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours.

John, no one is minimizing the good that cops do.

The Catholic church has fed and clothed the poor, housed the homeless, taught people Christian principles and done many good things over the years. A few (or maybe even a majority, who knows?) priests and bishops abused young boys. That in itself is not any reason to put responsibility on the majority of the leadership of the church.

But when their actions are covered up over and over again causing thousands more young boys to be raped then there is a breakdown in leadership.

There are two things that can break that kind of cycle:

1) A group effort by the good priests to put a stop to it no matter how much it costs them.
2) Overwhelming media coverage.

Fortunately the media coverage has begun to take its toll and is breaking this cycle of abuse because there were not enough good strong brave priests to do something about it.

All I'm saying is the time is coming when the people will turn against you (you meaning the police). The good cops have a chance to do something about it just like the good priests did.

The question is.


John, you are a retired veteran cop. I've had conversations with you before. I know for a fact that you have seen lots of acts that you knew were wrong in your tenure. Go ahead and tell everyone why you didn't turn them in. You have nothing to fear now. I don't think they can take your pension away.

And John, I have utmost respect for the many years you spent helping others. I don't think for one minute you have it in your heart to bully or terrorize the public. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what we can do to encourage the average police officer to have zero tolerance for unlawful or immoral actions perpetrated on the public.
And regarding a child with a loaded firearm.....Here, allow me to educate you on why:

Article regarding children in the Revolutionary war:

Young children could certainly be victims of the war. In the autumn of 1776 as the British spread out over New Jersey to "pacify" that state, and force men to take the Oath of Allegiance to the Crown, they customarily raped any colonial females they pleased. One report published in the newspapers at the time was of a woman at home with her daughter when British troops arrived. The woman eventually escaped from being gang raped inside her house and went to look for her ten year old daughter, and found her in the barn being raped by half a dozen British soldiers.

My daughter will not be a victim when the "authorities" come.

Otherwise, thank you for your service to mankind John, you should be proud.

Are you going to turn your weapons in when guns are illegal? Or is an activity criminal only if it's one you choose to not participate in? Just some food for thought.
Tony drugs have always been illegal. Guns have not. Also I don't have to worry about locking people up for anything I retired a long time ago. When people do drugs or sell them they go into it knowing there is a risk that they will get caught. When they go to jail that is just part of their drug game.
The last thing I want to see is a child with a loaded firearm..especially if there going thru puberty but hey Tony you think That's ok & that's fine. Good luck to ya on that one.

The problem is your Categorizing all cops to be bad because most of them don't spend there time locking up other cops or reporting cops. Your reading right past the facts I'm telling you about my uncle and some friends of mine who worked and are working in the Internal affairs division. None of them are there because there screwballs. There good cops as well. My uncle in your eyes would be God to you because he was involved in locking up some very bad cops. If I was in his position I would have done the same....but that wasn't my direction in my career.

The only thing I could show you that's public about me is when I was on the cover of the NY post or Daily news(Can never remember which newspaper which is buried in my closet) during the day of outrage in NY city in 87 where Sharpton and his cronies Mason & Maddox all got locked up.

The other one is my most disturbing moment as a cop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DEz_Yokh-g&feature=youtube_gdata_player
If you go the 28th second in there and listen closely that officer Eddie Cormier is getting the info from me about the commercial jet because I happened to be on an alarm call with no one home in the other side of that hill when that jet crashed.

I went into that plane with McEnroe/Tatum O'niel's neighbor when no other cop was their yet.

In this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwT5fe3B_ng&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Freeze it at the 2:20 point you'll see me with my mustache and flashlight. All I did was my job what a good cops is supposed to do and most do just that.

Mike Pontillo also has a rock solid background who is climbing up the boss ladder because he does his job.

9-11 was a national hit we all took and your going to spew that those cops that died in those falling building when they were just trying to save some lives were bad cops because there is nowhere on there record that they turned cops in or locked up cops??

How about we put your life up there and see what your past contribution was to society. No one is labeling you like your labeling many good people.

So Tony since your now labeling Mike P. As a bad dude without knowing nothing about him but you now have a little tidbit about me.. Do I fall into your theory that just about all cops are bad? Keep in mind I never locked a cop and I did refused to work with a couple of cops in the late 80's that were rumored to be trouble who they ended up doing themselves in.

How do You even look a parent, a brother, a sister or a child in the eye who has lost their son/daughter,brother or sister or mother/father who happened to be a cop and were killed in the line of duty with your attitude that they were bad anyway?

Or did you never have to deal with that?

Besides all this crap because it's crap-- Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours.

John your a Bloomberg supporter aren't you?
Drugs have not always been illegal.

While opium, marijuana and many other drugs have been used for thousands of years, the first drug laws in this country came when liquor was outlawed in 1845 in New York. It was repealed in 1847.

Smoking Opium was outlawed in San Francisco and Virginia city in 1869. Other uses were not outlawed, just smoking it because that was the preferred method for the Chinese immigrants to use opium. This allowed them to harass the Chinese at their whim and lock them up.

Coca Cola originally had cocaine in it.

Opium and cocaine were outlawed in 1914 with the Harrison Tax Act.

Marijuana was first outlawed by the Mormons in 1915 in Utah.

Mankind made it 6000 years without making it a crime for people to ingest whatever they wanted to into their own bodies and somehow mankind survived.

Alcohol was a crime one day, legal the next. TWICE. Two prohibitions failed.

Contrast that with REAL law. Murder has always been a crime. Rape has always been a crime. Theft and Assault has always been a crime. These crimes were defined by God thousands of years ago. If he had wanted alcohol or any other substance a person wants to put in their own body to be a crime, I suppose he had ample space to do it in 66 books of the Bible.

What he does tell us is that allowing any substance to control our actions via drunkeness or addiction needs to be dealt with through his power and our faith.

If God didn't make a law against it, who are we to think we know more than him? However God did make a law against adultery and we ignore that on a daily basis and prance around like we are somehow enlightened because we promote it via our laws (she gets half when she leaves her husband for another man) and our entertainment.

The closest mention of anything in the Bible to using drugs is Pharmakeia, which refers to using drugs in the worship of idols much like the eating of foods that had been sacrificed to idols. It is up to us to decide what we put in our bodies and not the government.

So, Michael D. Drugs have not always been against the law.

And the police do not have to arrest all offenders. They fail to arrest their own ranks on a daily basis for things a normal citizen would be caged for.
Going back to the original post by Michael P.

This story was in the newspaper today.

Here is an interesting quote from the story that says a lot about why we have this problem here.

Ironically, an email sent out by the Las Vegas Police Protective Association to its nearly 3,000 members Wednesday, stating "Officer Jesus Arevalo wants to express his gratitude to his fellow officers and supervisors who supported him during this very stressful year," was signed by David Roger, the longtime former district attorney who never charged a local cop in a fatal shooting, and who now serves as an attorney for the police union.

Can residents be blamed if they suspect the existence of a good old boys network?

The rest of the article can be found here.


John your a Bloomberg supporter aren't you?
No. I am friendly with Frank Mackay http://independencepartyny.com/?page_id=38 The NY Independence Party Chair
Who tried to get Bloomberg to run for the presidency as an Independent but No I never cared for Bloomberg. The one I liked here was Rudy Giuliani but the NY city cops and Fireman didn't like him.

Why are you asking?
OK tony so I see your pro drugs. (Idiot) have a nice holiday.

I am not pro drugs genius, I am pro freedom. But I guess the concept of allowing people to make choices you haven't given them permission to goes over your head.

I will have a nice holiday. Thanks for giving me your permission. Lol.

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Sometimes people need to be protected from themselves . Maybe it's time to have a conversation on what a stroke can do to your brain function and how it changes your personality?

I know first hand what how brain function can change. I had open heart surgery 5 years ago and deal with pumphead. The after effects of being on the heart lung machine. It takes me an hour to write a paragraph.
