No Soliciting


Graphic Designer

Of those that do door-to-door marketing campaigns, how many of you run into the "No Soliciting" signs at the entrance of a community and how do you proceed?

Are there legal ramification of ignoring such a sign?
If they have them I try another method ie direct mailer. Whether there are legal ramifications or not I'm trying to build a relationship with these people and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot by having to argue over a no soliciting sign.
There can be local ordinances against it.
I'm looking through the statutes now and there may be a distinction between soliciting and advertising.

I completely agree with mistersqueegee about not being confrontational. I don't want to piss anyone off, but on the other hand, I have avoided (literally) thousands of homes due to the sign being at the entrance of a community. Some of the communities don't have them, but individual homes do (I skip those homes).

Does leaving a flyer at the door constitute soliciting or advertising?

Here's an interesting thread on the subject.
I'd check your local ordinance but again the people behind the sign might feel you are soliciting even when you are doing things in accord with the ordinance. Kind of a no win situation there. Mailers might be the most customer friendly option here.
I with Trae on this. If I see a No Soliciting sign, the majority of people would get ticked off by me coming to their door in attempt to sell them something. Since my first year in business, I have never gone door to door. I mail postcards to areas that I want to market.
I don't knocker either, I just leave the postcard on the door and head to the next house. This is where I'm trying to differentiate between simple advertising and soliciting. I haven't seen any signs like the one Trae mentions, and hopefully I won't.