PWNA Board of Directors agree!

Chris Detter

New member
Hi Jon, 7-31-02

I spoke to each Board member regarding your request to allow your lovely wife to attend the seminars in Las Vegas to be your ears. Everyone agrees, we'd love to have her attend these meetings with you at no extra charge for her.

We would also love to have you renew your membership someday. Hey the cost of the convention would be less!

See Ya in Vegas!

Chris Detter
My wife would also like to attend the seminars so she can make sure I'm paying attention(She accuses me of having ADD and my response to this is doesn't all husbands have ADD? LOL).

Seriously my wife would'nt attend any seminar she just wants me to hand over the money at the end of the day.LOL

OK enough with the jokes. What a nice offer to Jon. SO Jon what is it going to be?? And which seminar are you interested in since your business is mainly Flat work?? Does the PWNA have a course in enviromental cleaning?? What can they possibly teach Jon in his field that he doesn't aready know?? And what is it that Jon doesn't know?? Or does he really know anything??LOL
To all PWNA board members, thank you.

John all your wife has to do is go to a tack store and buy some blinders, that should solve your problem. Try allowing your eyes to wonder off with those on:)

What does Jon not know, plenty, like Dr. Albert Einstein said you never stop learning. Remember now I have not even reached the 5 year point.

Enviromental class, I know they teach it, is it going to be taught in Las Vegas, good question, Chris do you know this far ahead if it is a go for that class?

Ok last convention I attended seminars on insurance, public talking, ok not true name for it but the guy was a great talker, wife took more notes in his seminar then the others. Also attended one Doc gave and one other, sorry my brain is weak this early in the morning. See John I don't know anything, I cannot even remember what seminars I sat in. LOL

Hey Jon,

The Environmental certification course will be offered in Las Vegas.

Maybe you could get off your wallet by then. LOL

:D :D :D