PWNC site being rebuilt


New member
The PWNC is redesigning & rebuilding the site. The new site will feature a larger version of business cards. If you have submitted a business card to us for placement, please resubmit your card (hi-res files) as all previous submissions have been resized and are little now! I need full size again :)

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Look for the new site to be up and running by mid-September and don't forget - the BOMA ad will be in the hands of all BOMA members in October!

The ad has been posted a couple of times - I'll find a link for those who have not seen it.

I know a business card size ad in the BOMA directory was almost $400. The PWNC ad is a full page that directs members to the PWNC website to find qualified contractors for their needs within the proximity they want. With PWNC associate fees only being $225, there's instant value in advertising. This ad will be one of the only if not the only full page ad in the Carolinas section of the directory. The exposure is going to be great for those wanting to get in front of PM's.


I have run several one page BOMA ads. as you can see it pretty expensive.

What the actual publication, Boma has many different places to run ads.

I like the website ads, I have some starting Jan.

They Promote Members at local and international Level.

I recall them not liking our co-op ads for the IWCA.( because the individuals listed were not members.

I will assume they have changed.
Ron, What is BOMA?
Our IWCA ad 8 years ago is when I became a believer in BOMA.

You should go to local lunches and particapate. Maybe Speak and get to know your local BOMA people.

Alos there are other contractors networking as well. The ads in the mag worked great,but it only assisted the persistant follow up after the they called.