Ron M

Dan S


the answer to your question >>>>>>>>>>

YES ....... we can be friends being a country hillbilly ..

We have known each other (internet) for 2-3 4- years ... and after reading back old post on _both bb"s I really can see why you get up-set ....... you are right i have no-dialog ...... cant spell ....... <<>>

Im done >> with the baby crying <<>> who is the best <<>> ?

here is my hand >>>>>>>>>>> ~%~ ........I hold it out to ya for a firm handshake........................
Just a cotton pickin minute here you two, if you shake hands and agree not to go at it with each other then all the FUN is gone.

I mean Dan S. can spell just as good as ol back country Bigboy can, they just don't like showing y'all that part of them.

Now Dan is you and Ronnie going to start an army and go against all us others here?

If so Debi will join Bigboy and you then will have your hands full!

PS: Glad you to see the two of you end this bitter thing and move forwards.

Gee, Dan............does that mean we have to make up too?? I'm driving to Pittsburgh next tuesday afternoon/evening.........are you anywhere near Rt 76? Maybe you could come down for that cup of coffee..........
ya know there is so much hate in this world >>Thank GOD they caught those JERK'S (sniper's)

anyways ...we I dont need to act like I hate ........ I dont <<>>

enough is enough >><<

I dont care who says what to who anymore .... there is no room for >>>> ZIPPOS,KING , johnny, .......etc...........

life is short !!!!

so 2 answer ya Mike .... here is my hand >>> ~ % ~ .........shake it man ..shake it ..........

I dont know how far 76... is from me I'll look @ map tonight ......

got ta run guys ....... enjoy u day <<<<?>>