It's Toothpaste. Only Better.

Yeah, I know, what am I talking about?!?!?!

This was the slogan from a Colgate commercial back in 2000. This got me thinking about what we do in the pressure washing, KEC and exterior cleaning industry.


My viewpoint is from that of pressure washing, since it is a main focus of my business... Last year, I was thinking of ways to expand my business and how I could capture new business. I probably did what many young entrepreneurs do and dream of bigger and better things, focusing on the end result with a slight disregard for the rocky path that needs to be taken to get to the 'higher ground'. But, in this 'lofted goals' frame of mind, I quickly realized that my company had to offer 'toothpaste... only better'!!! Seriously though, how many of us are scratching our heads wondering how to convert the next lead, how can we achieve (even just a fraction) of what many of our successful peers have achieved, how can we get the best equipment to do the best job?

Although there is no guaranteed path to success, it can be said that you have to equal the service provided by your competition... but, better it!!!

... and no, it is not about being better on price (although, if your application, equipment, process, techniques and business model allow you to remain profitable, price may be your 'better toothpaste'). There are numerous other areas in which you could be better...

Personality & Relationships

Company Branding

Company Literature


Customer Service




This small list is just that.... small. There are so many areas where we can offer a better pressure washing service than our competition, and not lose profits or waste valuable time.

The one kicker to this thought is that it is not what YOU think is better, YOU may decide that providing an 8-page bid package to all your leads for a single property is a good idea (... ~sigh~... yeah, that was me - I learned that it is not always necessary!!), it is what your CUSTOMER thinks is better. It may be trial and error, but to be better, time and effort needs to be put into discovering and understanding what makes you better in your customer's eyes.

Tomorrow, next week, next month... sell and deliver your service just like your competition does... only, DO IT BETTER!!!!!

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Steven Button
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